UGA Extension Office

Events & Classes

Farmers Markets

Buy fresh produce from your local farmers! Visit the websites for more information.

  • Braselton Braselton Town Green 9924 Davis Street, Braselton.
  • Grayson 2070 Rosebud Road, Grayson.
  • Lilburn Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, 1400 Killian Hill Road, Lilburn.
  • Snellville Snellville Towne Green, 2342 Oak Road, Snellville.
  • Suwanee Suwanee Town Square, 330 Town Center Avenue, Suwanee.



Container Gardens, Pretty and Productive! / Virtual Series (Free) 

May 16, 6:00-7:00pm

Container gardens are a great addition to your home for so many reasons. Ideal for those with little space; they are affordable, versatile and offer plenty of seasonal variety, you just can’t go wrong!  Lisa Klein teaches you about selecting containers, types of plants, proper care, and everything in between. Contact Laura Tierney at to register.


Ornamental Woody Plants / Virtual Series (Free)

June 6, 6:00-7:00pm

Woody ornamentals can serve many functions in the landscape: they can add beauty, provide shade, provide food and habitat for birds and other wildlife, and more. Which shrub works best for damp areas? Which shrub will tolerate some dryness or shade? Let Lisa Klein help you navigate the wonderful world of woody ornamentals as she teaches you how to choose the right shrub for the right place in your yard. 

Contact Laura Tierney at to register. 

Totally Tomatoes / Virtual Series (Free)

June 27, 6:00-7:00pm

Tomatoes are the most popular garden vegetable in the United States; you'd be hard-pressed to find any home vegetable garden without at least one tomato plant. Georgia tomato growers face unique challenges, and Lisa Klein is here to guide you through them. Attendees will learn how to successfully start tomatoes from seed, how to address common tomato disease issues here in Georgia, how to choose the best tomato variety for our area and more! 

Contact Laura Tierney at to register.



Magnificent Hydrangeas / Virtual Series (Free)

July 11, 6:00-7:00pm

When you think about gardening in the south, you can't help but think of the romantic hydrangea shrub. But did you know that are multiple varieties of hydrangeas and that they don't all have the same growing requirements? Don't miss out on these dreamy blooms-let Lisa Klein share with you how to choose the best hydrangeas for your yard and how to care for them. 

Contact Laura Tierney at to register.


Cross-Cultural Harvests: Fruits and Vegetables from Other Cultures / Virtual Series (Free)

July 25, 6:00-7:00pm

Think beyond the tomato and pepper this year and try growing something NEW from a different culture! The horticultural world has so much to offer beyond our borders, and many of these vegetables and fruits can be enjoyed in your own home garden. From Loofa gourds to Thai ginger, you don't need your passport as Lisa Klein takes you around the multicultural fruit and veggie world in 60 minutes.

Contact Laura Tierney at to register.



Botanical Bioluminescence!  Learn about the World of Glowing Plants & Animals / Virtual Series (Free)

August 15, 6:00-7:00pm

Think buying glow-in-the-dark plants at the garden center is a story from a space-age cartoon? Think again! Scientists are working on adding genes from bioluninescent insects and mushrooms, to plants such as petunias. Lisa Klein takes you on a virtual journey through bioluminescence: whihc plants, animals and insects have this trait, and why? Prepare to be awestruck! Contact Laura Tierney at to register.


What's REALLY happening in your Pollinator Garden / Virtual Series (Free)

August 29, 6:00-7:00pm

By now we've all heard about the importance of pollinators to our home gardens, but what exactly draws those whimsical bees and butterflies to our gardens besides pretty flowers? Lisa Klein takes a deep-dive into this fascinating world and explaains what they eat, what draws them to flowers, and what else we can do to make our gardens more hospitable to pollinators. Contact Laura Tierney @ to register.